Bedlam Bay Bushcare volunteers meet monthly on a Saturday meeting at the entrance to Bedlam Bay - Parramatta River Regional Park at the Parramatta end of Punt Road, opposite Banjo Paterson Cottage Restaurant. For more information call Bev on 0419 206 253, extra volunteers always welcome.

This bushcare site is currently run by Hunter's Hill Council. It is a habitat connection within the Hunter's Hill small bird corridor which runs from upper Tarban Creek around the waters edge under Tarban Creek Bridge and Gladesville Bridge and through Riverglade Reserve and Betts Park to Bedlam Bay.

We have a fantastic morning or afternoon tea spot looking out over a small beach and Parramatta River.

For more photos and information see


Help wanted on planting days! Plantings will be undertaken at Clarkes Point, Kelly's Bush, Betts Park, Bedlam Bay and more over the next 3 years. If you would like to be included on our planting email list please email

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