Blueys Beach is one of the iconic ocean beaches in Australia

It is located within the Great Lakes Area NSW where it is juxtaposed to four other remarkable beaches; Elizabeth, Shelley’s, Boomerang and Cellito. Although smaller than Bondi it has attracted similar publicity as it a beautiful example of nature at work. Many people visit Blueys to enjoy the beach, the surf, the fishing and its remarkable hinterland. It is a hot spot for social events as well.

It has a sand dune along its west side which is about 950 m long and 15 m maximum height. It has become heavily infested with weeds aggravated by the planting of Bitou Bush after the rutile mining of the beach in the early 70’s. Cassia, asparagus fern and  lantana are also prevalent. Our task is to regenerate this dune by clearing the weeds, planting appropriate natives and monitoring its progress. Our Group was formed in May 2014 and currently has 23 members. We meet weekly on Saturday morning at 0800 for about 2 to 3 hours. New members are welcome.

Our Group is part of the volunteer network of the Great Lakes Area directed by the  Great Lakes Council. We work with the Community Liaison Officer (Steve Howard), the Environmental Officer (Isabelle Strachan) and a contracted bush regenerator. The GLC provides volunteers with education about weed management, equipment for the job, personal protective  gear and native plants grown from a Council nursery. It is particularly helpful to have the skilled input from these people enabling effective progress on the Dune and our own learning.. Each new member needs to undergo an brief introductory course on site. This can be organized through Steve Howard (0427 568 967 or 6591 7350 or or Isabelle Strachan (


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