Art4Agriculture is a network of young people directly or indirectly involved in on farm activities, studying primary industries or natural resource management courses, or primary industry promotions.

The network shares the commitment to develop a deeper understanding of, and greater respect for the role that Australian farmers play in producing food, supporting the nation’s economy, building rural communities and protecting the rural amenity.


The aim of the Farm Ready Tools for Sustainable Dairying in High Conservation Value Landscapes project was to: • Deliver sustainable farming best management practices and enhance high conservation value native vegetation on Saddleback Mt, Jamberoo, NSW • Encourage stakeholder partnerships to undertake invasive weed control including weeds of national significance (WONS) and to improve the connectivity and integrity of native vegetation that included Endangered Ecological Communities • Increase capability and adoption of farm best management practices by trialling new perennial pasture systems to show they can be adapted to local conditions to reduce soil acidification and increase soil carbon • Engage and facilitate youth participation in natural resource management (NRM) • Encourage intensive level of engagement through extension activities and web materials to motivate stakeholders to adapt to dynamic natural systems

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