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A small stone house designed by Walter Burley Griffin overlooks 0.3Ha remnant of open forest on the slope below.

The vegetation found here is Pittwater Spotted Gum Forest, listed under NSW legislation as an Endangered Ecological Community. It contains tall spotted gum (Eucalyptus maculata) trees together with cabbage palm (Livistona australis). The small tree scentless rosewood (Synoum glandulosum), a cycad known as a burrawang (Macrozamia communis) and a number of native vines. The site is very attractive.

The group has been meeting monthly since 2008, led by a trained supervisor, and has made great progress.

The Stella James site forms part of a flora and fauna corridor that is made up of public reserves, eg. Angophora Reserve to the west and Palmgrove Park to the east, together with the substantial amount of remnant canopy trees that still exists on private properties. The squirrel glider, another species listed as threatened, is found in the area.

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