Weddin Community Native Nursery is a not-for-profit organisation managed by volunteers, and is a sub-committee of Weddin Landcare Steering Committee

Our core business is specialising in propagating plants of the Weddin Shire.

Most volunteers have completed a TAFE Certificate 3 in Conservation and Land Management and continue to update their skills.

The volunteers are involved in seed collection across the shire. At the nursery they propagate the cleaned seed, as well as cuttings and divisions.

Our Stock Includes:

Trees - Eucalypts – yellow box, mugga iron bark, river red gum, cypress pines, casuarinas and kurrajongs.

Shrubs – wattles, hopbush, indigofera, cassias, nodding blue lily and tea trees.

Groundcovers – Tall sedge, spiny rush, native violet, amulla and hardenbergia.

Opening Hours: 9.00 am to 12 noon Monday to Friday


The aim of this publication is to raise awareness of both our local residents and visitors to our area regarding plants that are quickly disappearing from our region. These beautiful native species were once common in our local region and some forms of these plants have been found nowhere else. Sadly it would appear that some have all but gone now. This is mainly as a result of predation and ground degradation by feral goats, rabbits and pigs. Groups such as the Weddin Wanders, Local Landcarers, Birding NSW and seed collectors from the Weddin Community Native Nursery spend regular time roaming our local bushland and yet have not been able to locate these once common plants. Many of the plants listed here are actually unique to this area. Some of these plants have been identified and registered by our local native plant elder Noel Cartwright. They have been given names which reflect their uniqueness to our local area. E.g. “The Brundah Mint Bush” and “Grevillia lanigera ssp Grenfell form.” Often the only places these plants will be found now are deep in rocky crevices or on vertical rock outcrops where predators cannot reach. What do you do if you locate one of these plants? If possible please take a GPS location of the plant or if you do not have a GPS then try as best you can to note any landmarks nearby and your general location so that it might be possible to locate the plant again. The next step is to notify either the WCNN or Local Land Services whose contact details are on the front page of this publication. Please do not attempt to remove the plant or any part of it. We are hoping that together we can make a difference in preserving our local flora. Below is a list of the plants that we have identified as disappearing; Philotheca myoporoides or ‘Wax Flower’: Brunonia australis or ‘Blue Pincushion Plant’: Ricinocarpos bowmanii or 'Pink Wedding Bush': Cyphanthera albicans or ‘Grey Ray Flower’: The Grenfell form of Grevillea lanigera.: Correa reflexa or ‘Native Fuchsia’:Kunzea parvifolia or ‘Purple Heath’: Prostanthera ovalifolia or Brundah Mint Bush (Grenfell Form): Crowea exalata or ‘Waxflower’:

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